2022: Love In Fluid Purpose


2022: Love In Fluid Purpose

“The practice of love offers no place of safety. We risk loss, hurt, pain. We risk being acted upon by forces outside our control.”
Bell Hooks, All About Love: New Visions

I've been thinking a lot lately about how I expected this school year, in particular, to end with much recognition, pride, celebration, and fanfare!

Two thousand twenty-two marks our second indy school scholar to survive, thrive, contribute, graduate, and become a first-year college student. It also represents a final chapter to one hell of a book! The close of an era that began in 2006 has already and will continue to become a legacy inspiring others on their journey.

The Collins will have accomplished navigating, negotiating, winning, and advocating for a combined twenty-six years enrolled in the complexities of elite K-12 education.

In mid-November of 2021, '2022 fanfare and it’s relevance' began to slow to a heavy grind for my family. I mean, nothing mattered more than closing ranks with one singular focus, achieving optimal health. It would be our independent school networks that would support and help us begin to recapture that too.

Since 2006, the independent school experience has been central to my family's lived experiences. If I am transparent, it has consumed, and it has always been something to tackle, grapple, and yes, embrace.

Two distinct journeys and two college processes later, our scholars have survived and thrived an elite, rigorous, and historically white K-12 institution. Their independent school education has helped shape character, intellect, interests, collaboration, a strong sense of purpose, and a desire to impact the community.

This year, I proudly earned the title of "OG" from my POC peers. And, as a family, we will rock out '22 in loving fluid purpose celebrating accomplishments and challenges with flexible optimism.

We will pass along all acquired institutional knowledge, best practices, wisdom, legacy, and love to all who choose this educational journey.

Happy New Year, Ya'll!

Gina, Keith, Elon, Chaz
The Collins