Defy Defeat - Independent School Admission Outcomes


Defy Defeat!

"Can I share something? I feel defeated. Should I feel this way? We invested a lot of time and energy in applying to independent schools. We fell in love with the opportunity. The outcome was a waitlist." Mom

I assured this mom, who reached out after not hearing back from the feeder program she worked with, that her feelings are valid. Indeed, the process is long and arduous, not to mention highly selective and subjective. It is NOT more important than a parent's capacity to shape the best education possible for their young scholar. No matter where our children get an education, we, parents and caregivers, have a tremendous amount of influence on their success. Period.

So, we say take a breath, regroup, light a candle, and continue to show up and advocate your way to the next level. And one more thing, join other parents, school leaders, and admission decision-makers this Tuesday, Feb. 15, to make meaning and moves to own admission outcomes. She said she had already registered! Good move, Momma, good move.

You can register HERE too!