Recent RIISE Newsletter



'Got It From My Momma Playlist'- ENJOY!

I graduated from Mommie to Momma recently with a Ph.D in motherhood. I suspect this honorary degree bestowed upon me by my daughter came with age, maturity, and a recognition that there is not one mountain I would not climb for her and her brother to reach even higher heights.

Elon was just two in the stroller when I manifested an independent school education for her without knowing that private schools at this level existed. At that moment, gazing at our then neighborhood school, I declared there had to be more to help her exact her full potential.

Even as we saddled up to the selective and subjective admission process, I knew in my gut that her school would not pass her/us up. College was no different, as the ancestors whispered, 'she belongs here, we built this for her' -I still get the chills!

It's best not to challenge a Momma's will as she walks in front, alongside, and behind her children. It can and does move mountains, guided by a sacred gift called intuition!

To all our independent school Mommas out here, we continue to acknowledge and celebrate your eternal love, protection, guidance, intuition, investment, and partnership in educating our scholars.

In this newsletter, we

  • offer more access to independent school admission + enrollment!

  • continue to honor womanhood + girlhood, and request your feedback!

  • let you listen in as a head of school ardently articulates his approach to DEIB!

  • offer you a chance to win something really cool for the summer!

XO, Gina

Gina Parker Collins
Indy School Mom, Advocate, RIISE Founder

PS - thank you for the playlist Lady E! You know your Momma well.

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